Studio Policy
Thank you for choosing Park Piano Studio for your musical journey! Park Piano Studio is a small boutique piano studio where quality is more important than quantity. The teacher deliberately limits the studio to a small group of students where she believes she can make the most impact.
This studio policy must be read, signed, and returned to be enrolled for piano lessons with Dr. Park
What to expect at lessons:
Lessons are generally held once a week but there is the option to pay extra for twice weekly lessons.
Students have the option to take lessons in person or remotely and can elect to take their lesson in either format as needed. (For example, a student could predominantly take lessons in person, but pivot to a remote lesson for the day if they are feeling ill.)
Lessons are tailored to each student's age and ability and goals. Lessons may include some combination of music theory, technique, sight-reading, repertoire pieces or pieces for fun.
Student Expectations:
Arrive on time with all music books and materials needed for the lesson.
Be sure to clip fingernails short.
Commit to dedicated and consistent practice and giving piano practice and lessons priority over all other extracurricular activities.
Complete all assignments of the week and fill out the daily practice log. (The quality and consistency of practice is more important than the quantity.)
When practicing always have a goal in mind, and when making corrections be specific about your diagnosis of the issue. For example, “my eighth notes were off rhythmically in measure 4 and I am going to correct it by tapping out the rhythm and playing hands separate to fix it,” rather than “I am going to play it again and hope it’s better next time.” Practice makes permanent (not perfect), so always think about what habits you are forming during practice.
Participate in studio activities including recitals and attend lessons consistently.
Parent Expectations:
Keep an open line of communication with the teacher about the student’s progress. Notify the teacher of any situations that may affect their child’s practicing or lessons (for example, is the student having a bad day? Does the student have any special needs I should be aware of?)
Help the student to set aside dedicated practice time and create an environment conducive to practicing. (Be aware of distractions like the TV or other siblings! Piano practice requires careful listening, which means a silent environment is most conducive to practice.) Supervise home practice sessions in a constructive and encouraging manner if it is helpful to the student.
Parents of older students are encouraged to periodically sit in lessons and always welcome to record and listen to their child’s lesson to see what we are working on. (However, any recordings are for personal use only, and may not be distributed without permission from the teacher.) Parents of students age 5 and under should be present for every lesson.
Please arrive and pick up students on time and do not arrive more than 5 minutes earlier than your lesson time. There is no make-up time for late arrival.
Please give as much notice as possible for lessons that will be missed. You are still responsible for paying for your lesson time even if you do not show up and the studio does not offer refunds. With at least 24 hours advance notice, you may be offered a make-up lesson at the teacher’s discretion or a lesson credit for the summer (which would likely be remote). The best way to contact me about scheduling is via text message at 425-246-1866 or email at parkpianostudio@gmail.com. Students that have accumulated several unexcused absences during the year may be dismissed from the studio. If Dr. Park misses a scheduled lesson, you will be offered a make-up or refund for that lesson.
You may discontinue piano lessons at any time, please give as much notice as possible out of courtesy.
Maintain the condition of the piano at home – have the piano tuned regularly.
Know that every student at one point will face frustration with piano. Please be ready to provide encouragement as they develop the discipline to practice diligently and overcome hurdles in learning.
Studio Rules:
Please remove your shoes when you come in, wear socks, and make sure your hands are clean.
Please do not show up for lessons if you are unwell, but especially not if you have fever, diarrhea or vomiting within the last 24 hours. If you are sick, you may schedule a make-up lesson or opt to take your lesson remotely.
Please stay in the front room or the piano room only, and do not go into other areas of the house.
For your safety please do not leave the house from your lesson unless your parent comes to the door to get you.
Studio Calendar:
The studio follows the Wake County School District Traditional Calendar. All vacation, holiday, and teacher workdays will be days off and those days off are already factored into the monthly tuition. Additionally, Dr. Park usually has travel plans in the summer, so students may need to take lessons with a substitute piano teacher during the summer. Lessons officially kick off September 1st and end in mid-June.
Tuition Policy
Lesson prices are as follows per month: $200/ 30 min, $270/ 45 min, $340/ 60 min. The 60 minute lesson is the best value. The monthly tuition price is a yearly payment divided out into equal payments, so while the number of lessons change per month, the amount paid per month is always the same from September to June. I offer a 10% monthly “off-peak hours” discount to students who can regularly come for lessons between the hours of 9:30am-2:30pm.
With your June tuition payment, you will receive your normal lessons for the first two weeks until school is out, and then you will have a credit for an additional two lessons to use in August which may be scheduled if Dr. Park is around.
Each school year there is a registration fee of $50 per student which goes toward teacher association fees, piano studio upkeep such as piano tuning/voicing, and studio supplies.
If you are an existing student and you would like any additional lessons after paying the monthly tuition, I offer additional lessons at a per lesson rate.
Please make checks payable to Jean Park or pay via venmo through friends/family option. Financial assistance may be available for parents on a case-by-case basis based on true financial need.
I welcome one-time consultation lessons for students who do not want ongoing lessons. Students who are looking for a one time lesson are billed at a rate of $100/ hr, $80/45 min, $60/ 30 min. I do not offer consultation lessons to students who may be competing in any piano events I will be judging, due to conflict of interest and if you want a one-time consultation and you are actively studying with another piano teacher, this must be approved by your teacher. I am available to teach masterclasses and can discuss rates for this.
Studio Policy Agreement, Liability Waiver, and Media Consent
I have read the studio policy and agree to adhere to the conditions stated above. In addition, I agree that any concerns must be brought up directly with the teacher first, and the teacher has the right to terminate lessons at will.
In the case of medical emergency when the parent is not present, the teacher will exercise her best judgment to seek medical care and you will accept responsibility for the medical expenses and outcomes. You also hereby release Jean Park, teacher at Park Piano Studio and her spouse, family, or representatives from all liability from property loss, damages, personal injury, illness, or death resulting directly or indirectly from studio activities. Additionally, you understand that there is inherently risk in participating in studio activities and you freely and voluntarily are signing this agreement, with your signature acting as a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent. If signing for a minor child, you represent that you have legal authority and custody of such child.
Signature: __________________ Date: ____________
I authorize Park Piano Studio to capture and use video-audio recordings and photographic images of the student and/or his or her musical performances or quoted statements in print, electronic, or online media, for educational and promotional purposes, and without compensation.
Signature: __________________ Date: ____________